Gathering together to celebrate the decision of the Prince's childe, Azrael, to embrace, a multitude of conversations can be heard from all directions. The Prince, Maxish Tosh and Seneschal, Jamon Goodwin can be seen speaking in a branch off of the main room, while the rest of the court gathers together in the main area to witness the night's main attraction ...the embrace. The 'stars' of tonight's events are: Azrael, of course, and Jezebelle, a diva hailing from New York. A few minutes pass and silence sweeps over the room as the ritual commences. Afterward, Jezebelle stumbles a bit but seems to adapt rather quickly to her new 'life.' An hour passes and Azrael decides to give his childe a taste of her new life by sending her out with Claudius, the Nosferatu Primogen, to 'feed.' Claudius and Jezebelle exit and almost immediately, things start to heat up between the Sheriff, Nick Gunner and the Brujah Primogen, Russ T. The reason for this standoff is apparently one involving respect given or a lack thereof on the part of the Brujah Primogen. The confrontation involved a gunshot fired by the Sheriff as a warning. However, forgetting that there were still the remaining guests of the event prior down below on the main level, Mr. Johnson, the Malkavian Primogen and another individual were forced to descend upon the main level with the intention to forcefully remove or discredit any memory of the gunshots above. This action was deemed a success, as no other questions were raised in regards to what actually happened. Time slowly passes and things cool down a little, with a formal reprimanding of the Sheriff's breach of both the Masquerade and Elysium still being fresh in the air. Claudius eventually returns with news of Jezebelle's demise at the hands of Hunters. This news is not met well by those in attendance as this adds the threat of a possible Hunter 'infestation' within the city. To make matters worse, a local police officer by the name of Michael Gray was found to be roaming around uninvited. He is taken into custody by order of the Prince and is placed into the care of Christine Hunter, the Harpy. Shortly after, the gathering is dispersed, as a few stragglers remained to deal with any business that had yet to be settled.