Invitations have been written and received--the Prince is holding court and all of the city's denizens (Kindred, that is) have been invited. Everyone arrives and are instructed by the Prince to wait in a side room, as certain decisions need to be made concerning the position of Seneschal. One-by-one, they are called in to speak with the Prince and to cast their vote on a Seneschal, assuming the individual even wishes to vote. After the last person is called and their vote is cast, the Prince announces that there will be no Seneschal, as that was the majority vote. Business as usual, people go about their own agendas and the night goes on. At some point, a Setite arrives and is immediately taken to the Prince to discuss his presence in the city. Apparently, he claims that he is unaffiliated with his clan and only wishes to live in peace under Camarilla law--his request is considered and granted, although the whispers of a serpent in a Camarilla court continue on for some time. Before this mess is even fully resolved, a dispute arises, involving quite a few of the city's denizens, concerning the present status of Michael Faraday. Michael Faraday and Robin Erkaven are seen to run from Christian Hunter and other such authorities, as Michael's life is very much put in danger by a misunderstanding with the Prince. In their absence, Michael Grey, a police officer that was found snooping a few months prior and now a ghoul, frenzies and is beaten mercilessly by the Malkavian Primogen and another individual. The end result of this is someone temporarily forgetting that he is but a ghoul and staking him, forcing the Prince to make a decision as to whether he lives or dies--the result, his embrace by the Prince. After much discussion concerning several matters, from Michael Faraday to this last event involving Michael Grey, the Prince disperses everyone. As the city's denizens return to their respective havens, the darkness is disturbed by a light in the distance, with the building on NJCA's (New Jericho College of the Arts) campus in which the gathering was held, going up in flames--and later, only a skeletal reminder of the night's events remaining.